Update on activity Eyjafjallajökull

Assessment - 16 May 2010 19:15

The eruption plume is gray and the height is mainly ~ 7 - 9 km / 24,000 - 30,000 ft. It is heading southeast and east-southeast. There wind is calm over the volcano, with wind speed ~10 m/sec at height over 7 km / 24,000 ft.

Ash fall is reported southeast of Eyjafjallajökull, from Skógar to Pétursey on Mýrdalssandur.

No major changes are seen in the activity. The ash cloud has been of variable height the last days and is higher today than yesterday, influenced by the calm weather. Unusually many lightning have been detected. Presently there are no indications that the eruption is about to end.

Details in status report issued collectively by the Icelandic Meteorological Office and the Institute of Earth Sciences at 17:00.